The Official Portal of the Sarawak Government

Sarawak State Flag


The current State flag was adopted by the State

Goverment of Sarawak in 1988


Red colour symbolises the courage, determination and sacrifices of the people in their tireless pursuit to attain and maintain progress and esteem in the course of creating a model State;


Yellow colour denotes the supremacy of law and order,  unity and stability in the diversity.


Black colour symbolises the rich natural resources and wealth of Sarawak such as petroleum, timber etc which provide the foundation for the advancement of her people;


The yellow nine-pointed Star denotes the nine divisions where the rakyat lives in harmony.  The Star symbol also embodies the aspiration of the people of Sarawak in their quest to improve their quality of life.

Sarawak State Crest

The State Crest signifies the proud "Land of the Hornbills" flying high in aspirations and achievements in all field of endeavour, guided by the ideology of the 'politics of development'. The State Crest also serves to distinguish Sarawak from the rest of the world.

Sarawak State Anthem

The State Anthem of Sarawak -- Ibu Pertiwi Ku -- was adopted in 1988.  Wan Othman Hamid (b.1931) composed the music, while Ismail Hassan (1922-1991) wrote the lyrics.  The following are the lyrics:


Sarawak Tanah Air Ku

Negeri Ku Tanah Air Ku Sarawak

Engkaulah Tanah Pusaka ku

Ibu Pertiwi Ku


Rakyat Hidup Mesra Dan Bahagia

Damai Muhibbah Sentiasa

Bersatu Berusaha Berbakti

Untuk Sarawak Ku Cintai


Sarawak Dalam Malaysia

Aman Makmur Rahmat Tuhan Maha Esa

Kekallah Sarawak Bertuah

Teras Perjuangan Rakyat

Berjaya Berdaulat